Monday 20 February 2012

Baby Penguin

For Fatin...

Ida Aplebroog, the American artist

Ida Applebroog was undoubtedly my hero when I was in college. Her style reminded me of Francis Bacon, but not as dark with a comical tinge. Her use of monotone color and sketchy strokes to reflect mood and expression made her works look more like an unfinished old-school poster. For me, there are 2 words to describe her work; simple and drama.

I don't know why... but this particular work gives me the creeps. Reminded me of the disturbing movie "Human centipede".  Its about 3 people who were abducted by a psychotic surgeon who used them to make a "human centipede" by attaching one person's mouth to another persons ass....hole. Yes you've got it right. Definitely not for children and blatant warning for the adults. Extremely disturbing and once you've watched it, you'll be forever tainted by darkness.