Wednesday 4 April 2012

My new "Pen-pal"

I've always wanted a fountain pen. I'm a geek for classic looking things that are practical and most importantly functional for everyday use. I love the elegant and shiny tip, the weight in my hand, tilting it to a certain angle to write, the ink just flows smoothly without much pressure and it just remind me of the quilt pen people used to use during Victorian times. And I must admit that I'm a sucker of movies set in Victorian times. Most of all, Fountain pens are a piece of history which has been used for since century ago....

 Trying my "pen-pal" by sketching a self-portrait.

Finally I got one!! And I must say I am super duper happy with it. Its Parker the Premium edition with a fine tip.
I was contemplating it with the Urban edition. But the latter looks too modern and too light for my liking. And it also only comes in medium tip. So i opted for the one I got now and even got it engraved. Super awesome pen and thank you Universe for creating such a beautiful pen such as this!!

Oh... and that's me in e background. Teehee!