Thursday 24 May 2012

Made this custom-made for someone. Fishing kitten slumber. Oil on canvas. Awwww...

Can u see the silver-lining in this painting?

I just completed this one this afternoon... after much "putting-on-hole" time. I love this work the most. Ever since I started abstract the past 2 years... I think with this work, symbolizes how much I have discovered. Personally, I find it refreshing, and depict whatever I wanna feel. I love this work.

So naming it "Silver-lining" perfectly portrays my discovery and newness. I've come to to the next stage of abstract.

I did this work in conjunction with the new experimental workshop I'm running at the studio. Its painted without brush at all.

When I started I was amazed by the beautiful impromptu effects that I achieved... but later on... I started to dislike it. Then I shared it with some adults students over dinner and they told me they love it.... that I was being too hard on myself.

Oh well... but just this afternoon I had a private art session with my student Jasmine.... she said that it's awesome.... with the bright smile on her face. She's ten and believe me... she's bloody talented. I love teaching her. And so my heart changed again... I figured that its not that bad. :)