Thursday 16 August 2012

Have a cuppa

Indulged myself to a cuppa. Watercolor on paper.

Tuesday 7 August 2012


I've said this a thousand times till my lips are numb and my spit over-pouring.... CONTRAST, CONTRAST, CONTRAST. Without contrast, the image we draw or paint or express wouldn't have the 3-Dimensional, realistic illusion we all want out of our still-life painting or drawing or anything... actually. Many forget about contrast. Wherever there's dark.... there ought to be light...  vise versa. So I made a point to educate my students about the importance of highlights..... chalk on black paper.... this is my demo....

Just with highlights on black paper, astounding works can be achieved. Its all about the fundamentals.

If you are in Singapore and want to know more about contrast and how you can manipulate them to your advantage in creating an art piece, visit us at

Cracked Oil and Acrylic on canvas 24 x 36

A piece I made for a filming set... a sequel to Swirls.

Swirls in translation

Sorry didn't update for quite some time... mind-block... but ultimately no excuses. Well, I had a hard time on this one. Remember I said in my previous blog that I'm gonna try to push further.... using colours out of my comfort zone??... I tried with this one... took me awhile to get it right. I ventured into the GREEN horizon.... and sprinkled it with bright red in e beginning.... but it looked too bloody raw and tasteless... like sashimi... so I pondered and lingered and decided to give a white swirly wash over it... looks ok to me.... at least better than that wash. Peace.