Thursday 21 November 2013

Mini exhibition in ARThaus Singapore

This Mini exhibition in ARThaus is to showcase works of our adult students who spent at least 1 year with us. Some with an honorable cause for charity and raising funds for to aid tsunami victims in Philippines.

The artists with us are Claudie Chassat, Karen Charmoille, Gauri, Shernaz, Kathrin Rehde, Ruth Ng, Leong Yiat Teng and Pathma.

As an art educator, I am thrilled to see these very artistic people find their own path of artistic journey. As you can see... we at ARThaus can show you the path, but you are the one who have to walk through it. Through practice, perseverance and passion...  Follow your guts...

And of course some showcases of the educator of ARThaus Carolyn Law, Maria Filatova and Aisha Ramat (me)

Literally and seriously funny

Something happened today that I least expect. Its funny that when you're just having fun and try to be funny, people take it seriously. LITERALLY!
 Oh the little bubble that says, 
"$200 please *slash* must buy"...
is not meant to be taken seriously too...
do you see the grinning face?

This is title Scissors, paper, stone. I did not have the title there but my painting says "LOM CHIAM PAS".
Ok my European friends did asked me what it means because duh... they're European. Then another local lady said,"  My daughter wants to know what that means. I said," Lom chiam pas" with a hand gesture showing 'scissors, paper, stone'. She slapped her palm on her forehead and said," Ooohhh... lom chiam pas!" Probably thinking why she hadn't got it before.

I just realized how comical it is... when I put certain text that is blatantly local, with a painting that looks like the hand of God from the Sistine Chapel, people thought I was writing in Latin or some "vavavoom" words.
But actually the message was simple... God playing Lom Chiam Pas ( in a  Chinese dialect) scissors, paper, stone ( in local English) ... or rock, paper, scissors ( in American) with Man.... and God wins. Thank you ladies and gentlemen and have a good night. :)