Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Afghan Girl realism painting project part 2

Got some time between classes so might as well get on with it. This time adding second layer mostly on the right side and correcting areas that needed to be corrected. This was done yesterday.

Today, did some glazing and dry layers to add texture to skin. I find that it works pretty well and I have a new found respect to acrylic paint. Even though its a nightmare to blend, even when I used flow medium, some dry layering actually gives much better texture effect than using oil.

I've added more details on the eyes, eyebrow, lips and hair. Still need to edit some tonal values on the face and give it more layers and texture. Head scarf on the right side still mostly undone. Maybe I'll tuck in the chin a bit more. Its great to see my painting though a photo. Helps me look at my painting more objectively and can clearly see areas I need to improve. Lips too dark I think... she looks like a heavy smoker. Will add some color soon. To be continued...