Tuesday 25 August 2015

Contemplation series progress

 A development to one of the series. Still incomplete as I think I can do more with it. However, I am quite satisfied with the outcome.

A new one I started. This was impromptu... Felt hyped up and inspired, just needed to hold the brush in my hands and obliterate a brand new canvas. Am very please with this although it took a lot of contemplations whether I should do this or do that or what colours should I use. Turned the canvas around so many times just to feel right... yup. This is still in-progress but I feel I'm getting to where it resonates. This was done in 2 sittings.

Its so inspiring just to work... without directions... without destination. Just let my hands flow without fear of destroying the canvas... just be at one with the moment. When you're just working and be at one with working, all your knowledge from within just arises at the right moments. I love working!