Thursday 22 October 2015

New addition to the Contemplation series.

Just started on this piece. Aiming for mixed-media for this one. Still in developing stage. Some new ideas I wanna try on this piece, end result unsure but I pretty much have a goal in mind on how it should look like. Will post again as this progress. Peace.

Just started a facebook page

Recently I decided to start a facebook page for Project Wonderwall. Its been a long time coming. Initially, my intention of setting up this blog was just to record and document my development and progress. Been quite secretive about what I was doing as most of the time; I was mostly experimenting, doing commission and so much of my mental energy spent on teaching, running and developing ideas for ARThaus that I didn't focus much on creating until quite recently this year. And I feels great and liberating to be able to share my art to more people especially to my beloved students whom most likely curious to know what I've been up to.

Well that is that.

This is an unfinished custom-made piece for someone. Deep-red rose 30"x24" oil. Will post again when I finish.