Tuesday 29 December 2015

Custom-made in progress

Custom-made. Unfinished. Work in progress. For now its acrylic foundation. Need to add colour to faces. Oil will be added for touch-ups in certain areas. I was given individual photographs of these people separately and was requested to portray family support for those 2 people at the top. So I suggested putting other family members montage below, to symbolize support or pillar to their success. I do not know this family so I sketched out my ideas first on paper for approval. Now it's on a 30"x40" canvas with rough brushstrokes style. Deadline... in a jiffy.

This is another custom-made in progress. Am working simultaneously with the family portrait above. This one is on a 30"x24" canvas. Objective is to be light-hearten with symbolism related to that person portrayed. So I suggested a blown-up portrait with the symbolism reflected on the sunglasses.
Well I know that it doesn't make sense that the reflection is not mirror image, but it's the symbolism that counts and rules are meant to be broken.
The photo of this person was without sunglasses and in fact, her husband is beside her covering part of her face. So I had to find out what kind of sunglasses she wears and I was given a very pixelated picture of her in a distance wearing shades. I had a rough idea on how it looks and montage the sunglasses on her face and had the symbols "bend-it-like-beckham" to simulate reflection on an actual sunglasses.
This is a challenge definitely, but I enjoy the challenge. Deadline... almost now.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Commisioned piece. Deep red rose. Oil on canvas

A commissioned piece. Traditionally painted in the beginning, palette knife works at the ending. Oil on canvas, 30"x24". 2015

Monday 7 December 2015

And the building continues...

Another step to building the Contemplation series. I've come to realize that what I'm painting is like extreme origami, third removed...(refer to Plato). Thus I refer it to "building". The painting process feels like sculpting... almost... although I know nuts about sculpting... as in real life sculpting... like make a statue... you know...... aaargh now this gave me an idea... wait... what???