Tuesday 19 January 2016

And the building continues... origami-ing in progress

Took me a late afternoon till sundown to paint this much. Then I got blanked, and I stopped. But the painting mood was still there and I felt that I still have something to pour... I painted a mountain, at which, looking out the window and savoring the crisp, green breeze made me feel like painting one. I've been in a mountain... a volcano to be exact which erupted only a few months ago. Rinjani. I've never seen snowy mountains like the travel documentaries and books show. But I would love to. So I painted a mountain from the soul. And imagine that crisp, green breeze flowing through my nostril and nourish my body. Maybe it exist. Might not too... but mountains... how I am inspired by the sheer awe.The Giant. The Legend. The Inspiration.

Will post the painting of this mountain as soon as I feel it is almost complete.