Tuesday 23 February 2016

Another addition to the Contemplation series titled, Layers and Light. White pencil and acrylic on canvas. 30"40". 2016

Was posted the day before yesterday in my facebook page and took me till now to post on this one. The BlogSpot app in my phone wouldn't upload my photos... uuuurrrghhh. Obviously, my work kinda moved away from the more painterly to more suggestive. Which I thankfully welcome with open arms.

Every time I make developments with my work, and at that moment itself it open up something new. I cant resist the adventure. Thus, I got materials that I wanna explore with and that material dwindled out so fast as I used... not so much I hope, but I need to get more definitely. Can't get enough of them at the moment.

Oh, I emailed Sarah Lee (an art photographer from Hawaii) on whether I can use her photos as reference and she emailed me back with approval. Which is effing awesome as her photography is an inspiration for me with the elements that I love. Thank you Sarah!

Thursday 18 February 2016

The Impression of the mountain I want to climb. Oil on canvas, 2016

On the floor, lay a painting of an impression of a mountain I want to climb. It's a fantasy mountain, where I lay hidden underneath the clouds. Heaving and panting as I take excruciating steps to reach an inch higher from where I had been. Where everything fades like smoke whereas breathing and throbbing legs becomes one. My eyes just fixed on one point in the horizon. Where possibilities lay unseen till the gap between the torture stretched out revealing the ocean. There, I shall jump.