Saturday 23 April 2016

Under surface. Acrylic on watercolor paper. 16"x20" 2016

Another painting similar to"Underneath the ripples" posted earlier. Peace.

Underneath the ripples, Acrylic on watercolor paper mounted on canvas, 16"x20" 2016

Silly me... I've always watermarked my painting on the painting itself, which is kinda annoying I know. With just a little research, the marvels of internet ( which I'm sure is our downfall as well one day when electricity fails globally... come on.. a little pessimism is good to keep in touch with reality) I found another way to add watermark without compromising (a lot) the view of my works. Thank you internet! (Even if let say there's a global black out, you are fond in my memory)

Yup the figure for this one is of courtesy of Sarah Lee photography Hawaii. I emailed her to ask permission to use her works as reference and she emailed back with her thumbs up. Thank you Sarah Lee.

Yup did something like this ages ago with watercolour. The problem with watercolor is it is not stick-fast. It kinda smudges with a transparent glazing medium. But no problem with acrylic. So I used acrylic as I use watercolour. More vivid color and sticks. Permanently.

Yup, got a bunch of good quality acrylic paints and it gives the transparency of watercolor, without a hassle. ( If done correctly)