Monday 7 November 2011

Paintings by Aisha Ramat

Click the link to see more of my older works. Peace and love!!!

Angry painting add ons...... etc


Fruitful day at class

Most adult students I teach are without any experience in art whatsoever. So instead of normal routine of developing the basic painting knowledge in them, it's refreshing to know some are keen on pushing their limits. This is part of a painting of my students have accomplished. With close guidance of using oil paints and palette knives, she had accomplished magic today. Beautiful beginning. Kudos to you Uma.

The Dark Knight, Oil on Canvas 150cm x 120 cm Framed

I call this painting 'The Dark Knight'. It was selected to be exhibited for the Absence and Presence Show held in my college. Completed in 2004. With imput of what I've learnt from my research on Rembrant and his techniques. Haunting painting I must say. I still have it now... and some people said that it might be haunted. Hahahaha. Oh well.... something for the ' Absence ans Presence' .... what is better than adding some paranormal essence eh?? 

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Rembrant, the master

Rembrant is by far the only classical artist that truely inspires me. Through his works and techniques that I learnt in college, I gained tremendous technical knowledge. I am still using and applying certain techniques in my own works till now, and no doubt, gave me the edge at teaching my students on some academic aspect of painting.

What I've been incorporating in my works inspired by him is the importance of contrast. Balancing light and dark to create mood. His paintings are blatantly dark, almost sinister, but with contrast with his depiction of light somehow balanced the mood and made his works a compelling visual delicacy.

Another useful thing I've learnt is to create an illusion of gold. There was no gold paint during this era, so to create this, he used yellows, ochre, highlights and many other colours reflected on the gold from surrounding objects to create the illusion of shine. Believe me, even with ready gold paints, this technique is the best and the most accurate to depict gold. I've taught some of my students how to create this too. Many are amazed by the fact that with just a mixture of simple natural colours, they can depict gold that looks astoundingly realistic.

more about him:

For experiment sake

Did this out of impulse... helped to release a lil of the anxiety from the evening class. Tried pushing the style a bit further but realized that this work kinda fossilized my crankiness. Woah, don't you feel that vibe?? I got goosebumps...


Tuesday 20 September 2011

Mount Rinjani, Lombok

Ok so I've works inspired by Rinjani and just in case some of you are wondering what it is, I've decided to spill some information.

Source from:

Mount Rinjani or Gunung Rinjani is an active volcano in Indonesia on the island of Lombok. Administratively the mountain is in the Regency of North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (Indonesian: Nusa Tenggara Barat, NTB). It rises to 3,726 metres (12,224 ft), making it the second highest volcano in Indonesia.[

It takes a minimum of 3 days 2 nights up and down. This picture is taken just about est 150 meters below the summit. I was already drained, exhausted and freezing to death (this is well due to "unprepared-ness", should have brought gloves and proper insulation. Oh well,,, I'm a dumb city kid okay..). We were woken up at about 3 am at the base camp to climb to summit to catch the sunrise. The climb was treacherous as you were climbing in the dark with only headlamps, following the guide, I thought the climb was not that scary until I had to balance myself against a rock wall and happened to look down. I could not see ground with the headlamp. But when the sun started to rise, with the astounding view, all the efforts is well worth.

This was taken at our last base camp at the other side of the rim. The climb to this place is way worse than the previous climb. I actually thought in the naive city kid mind of mine, the climb won't get any worse after the summit climbs. Man, I was wrong. By this time, my feet were sore as hell and had a strain on my left hip that I can't lift my left leg. Has to use a stick to substitute for that.

But all in all, Rinjani an experience I'll never forget. Peace.

Breathless in Rinjani 16"x20" Oil and acrylic on canvas 2011

Another Rinjani series. As someone who is born and bred in the city, the beautiful mother nature's landscape never fail to take my breath away. Experimental piece. My goddess, Rinjani.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Just pure speculation- Contemporary arts discriminate against painters.

Contemporary arts is the modern Nazi. 
They are sending painters to concentration camps.
Seig Heil!!

Monday 12 September 2011

That's me!!

Ultimate coolness

A part of my student's work. I wanna swim in it!!

Dive 16"x20" Oil and Acrylic on canvas 2011

This one of the few experimental works I did. When I see this painting, I can vividly feel the coolness of the turquoise water swashing around me when I jumped from the jetty into the sea in Rawa islands. 
Explosive impact when my flesh crashed onto the surface of the water. The thunderous boom and then a second of peaceful silence before I my head resurface to catch my breath. Awestruck.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Friday 9 September 2011

Crash, Oil and acrylic on Canvas 16"x20" 2010

In this work, it marked my discovery of freedom.
I'm quite embarrassed to say that I've been a rigid and narrow minded artist.
Not anymore.... I hope...
I somehow recieved my muse with the discovery of new artistic expression through this one.
Done here and there during my breaks from teaching. Exploring and dismantling and ramaging....
Received well from my students and colleagues.
I feel so thankful and blessed for the inspiration.

Project Wonderwall

"Wonderwall: An imaginary friend who will come and save you from yourself."

With this blog, I am reborn.

Feels good to say this