Wednesday 25 January 2012


Indulging in the simple pleasures of sketching once in awhile...

Experiment with textures...

See more of my works at   
Thank you for visiting. Cheers!!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Who the hell never heard of Picasso, Degas and Da Vinci?? My favourite quotes by them...

The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do? Pablo Picasso

 So he decided that he would evolve from this style: 

to this style:
Ooo I'm so hot!

Some artists have mastered the art of "not-knowing".

Aaaaahhhh, the Renaissance and their sophisticated language.... and their corrupted Church. Oops.

Decked in Ruins (incomplete)

I really think I've come up with something with this experiment. Inspired by the temple ruins in Cambodia I visited last December. Guess I just have to create something out of the trip to make it worthwhile. So this experiment is dedicated to the temples due to its concreteness. I was playing around with structure and form with this one... one of my favourites at the moment. Can't wait for the inspiration to say "it's a wrap:" for this. Teeeheee!

Wounded Sunset (incomplete)

This is one painful lookin work I must say... more pronounced on photograph. If you take it literally. Ouch!! Its supposed to be rainy sunset behind a mound. Just experimenting with colours, paint consistency, composition and texture. Kinda took me forever and its still incomplete. Just somehow need a last layer to be complete. Just waiting for it call my name to nurse the wounds I guess... I'll bring the first-aid kid along too.

Friday 6 January 2012

Cambodia... inspired??

Recently I just came back from Siem Reap Cambodia waiting to get inspired. But guess what, I got close to non. Well, honestly I was not very thrilled at staring at carved rocks assembled to look like a building... formally known as temples. I think I'm biased towards nature... sorry Angkor Wat. But no doubt I was able to capture the contrast of structure and nature... In my photos, the ruins were not the main focus, but the interaction of hard, cold rocks with nature through the lenses created an almost unexplainable beauty.The pic below is taken at sunrise at Angkor Wat. I'll share more in future posts.

But nonetheless, I had an awesome experience learning some of the history of Cambodia, climbing temple ruins, taking challenging photos and talking to the friendly locals. Not a place I would visit again, but ultimately unique and refreshing.