Friday 6 January 2012

Cambodia... inspired??

Recently I just came back from Siem Reap Cambodia waiting to get inspired. But guess what, I got close to non. Well, honestly I was not very thrilled at staring at carved rocks assembled to look like a building... formally known as temples. I think I'm biased towards nature... sorry Angkor Wat. But no doubt I was able to capture the contrast of structure and nature... In my photos, the ruins were not the main focus, but the interaction of hard, cold rocks with nature through the lenses created an almost unexplainable beauty.The pic below is taken at sunrise at Angkor Wat. I'll share more in future posts.

But nonetheless, I had an awesome experience learning some of the history of Cambodia, climbing temple ruins, taking challenging photos and talking to the friendly locals. Not a place I would visit again, but ultimately unique and refreshing.

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