Thursday 24 March 2016

Addition to the contemplation series

Contemplation: Layers and Light II
Acrylic on canvas

I've emptied 1 and half bottles of medium doing this. Definitely a challenge for me and I've banged my head against the wall 40 times (lame figure of speech I know, please forgive me) . I had an expectations in my head of what its should look like. This piece marked an uncharted territory for me personally and I think I've said to my myself,"WTF??!!" Twice every time I banged my head to the wall (lame figure of speech I know, please forgive me PART II).

Yup, but anyhoo I think this basically kinda resembles what I have pictured in my head. I'm a recovering control freak. So please forgive me.

Contemplation: Sky
Acrylic on canvas

This one took me a long time to contemplate. And when I found my way, it is a blessing. And I could not achieve have this without working on other pieces meanwhile. Cause the more work I do, the more I discover and discovery, helped me preserver through this one. I have posted about the beginning stage of this work last year in this blog.

For gallery view of my works go to:

Wednesday 9 March 2016


The excitement of painting for myself, finally smack me hard right on my face. I'm working on both the Contemplation series in which I'm re-interpreting the impression of light reflected on foil as well as other random paintings and experiments. And I do this in between classes that I teach, or my days off.

Often times, I stumble upon obstacles and undesired outcome during experimenting with mediums and materials for my art. This one really caught me aback with eyes wide open and pants almost down (the zip on my pants not working). But anyhoo, I welcome this as a challenge. This catch phrase came to my mind at the aftershock,,from movie 300 where King Leonidas said, "This is where we hold them, this is where we fight, and this is where they die!! ( I might be wrong in that phrase tho)

Today I am quite productive in the studio, fighting the urge to play 'Little Commando WW2" in my android.... I love this game so f**king much , dammit! And at this moment, I don't feel like typing... but I'll fight! I need to document my stuff, dammit!

And the fight against the urge.... (not pee urge or anything sexual) prevails. I almost complete my another addition to the Contemplation series ( which stresses my "recovering control-freak" part of the brain), and did some progress with my "epic fail" above.

Will upload the progress when my epic-fail turns to epina-colada ok?


*side note: I'm not a talker or a typist thus, what I've typed and spoken is actually a personal achievement. Yay!