Monday 21 November 2016

Poison apples

This is done without any still life observation. Done with old master's style, dead coloring technique. 
Here is the video of the process.

Forgot to mention.

In my previous blog, I forgot to mention that another valid excuse I have was I was painting residential mural. Took me in a total of about 34 hr in a span of 8 days.
Here is the video

New works and excuses

Have not posted in a while. Well I can list down the excuses I've made up but honestly, I hate to write. I do not have the focal capacity and sit down to translate my brain juice into words. I type slow and my handwriting looks like an abstract line works. It is gonna be a problem when I aim to further my studies in art education next year as I need to write essays and stuff. But, I'll deal with it when it comes. 

Oh one valid excuse, I think is, I went for a vacation to Maldives at end of September to beginning of October. Maldives is BEAUTIFUL and I'm so grateful at least I went coz it might sink due to Global warming in the future... I heard. Then, I was in a holiday mood for the rest of 6 weeks.

Ok these 3 works are the ones I submitted to the UOB painting of the year competition and obviously, I didn't win. Oh well, but at least I tried. And will try again next year. I wanna win money man! *stupid grin*. People say money is the root of all evil but it is definitely motivating. *another stupid grin*

All these paintings are done with acrylic under painting and textures and foreground in oil. 
I love mountains, the ocean, mother nature. So lots of my works are base on that. I love mountains especially as to me, it represent goals, virtues, hope, perseverance, determination and success. So I paint mountains symbolically rather as a form of landscape. While working on "Anticipation", I paint what I desire in my life as one symbolic form and also a reflection of what I already have and a reminder to be grateful.

I particularly enjoyed the process of making "Pleasure in Descent". It is like planting a seed and watching in grow. With a more experimental approach, I have discovered many useful accidents that will definitely benefit me in future creations. Peace!