Saturday 9 June 2012

Brushing up my watercolor skills.....

Aaaahhh... watercolor. Pretty daunting medium to use. I still remember my first time attempting this medium. It was a still-life grapes based on a photo. And it sucked. Haha. Then I tried Milla Jovovich picture from 'Herworld' magazine. Didn't turn out bad but it wasn't excellent either.

Just relaxing and had the urge to lay my hands on watercolor again... these are based on photographs on some National Geographic magazines. Taking a break from oil painting...

Serene, tranquil, soft, gentle medium that can turn manic, moody and unpredictable in a blink of an eye... that's watercolor to me. But I love every minute of it.

Anyhoo... will continue practicing the "medium-with-the-mood swing". Let's see if I end up battered or victorious...

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