Friday 18 July 2014

Project 15. Journey, experiment and trials part 5 ( Oil on canvas 30"x 24" unfinished )

A bigger painting of the foil I paint from observation; 30"x 24" oil on canvas, took me 3 sittings which accumulated to about 6+ working hours. There was only so much I can do with oil before highlights and low-lights get blended in. So I had to wait a few days before I can do the dry brush techniques which I love.

The top half was dry enough ( from 2nd sitting)  for me to add the details, illuminate highlights and colors and draw contrast.

To paint when the paint is dry enough is such a pleasure. I love it thoroughly. Seeing textures from the canvas I am painting on and the texture marks my dry brush gives is just superb. I feel so fluid and at ease working on the image.

*The foil I placed for this project is without any color interference, I just paint it how it reflects at the given moment.

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