Thursday 10 July 2014

Foil: Yellow and red. Oil on canvas 18"x14". 2014

 Finishing this painting is joy as all the main structure and color is there. What's left for me to do is glazing a bit of dark tones to add more depth and stronger highlights. 

As I said the the beginning of this project, my study of foil is observed real life. The day I completed this, the window was right behind me illuminating the highlights; sparkling. By now because I have to store my foil, it didn't look exactly the same. But I use the idea of how the light reflect and shine on the folds of the foils and try to express that on this painting. I absolutely love this ever changing quality. 

a warm up sketch

I absolutely loving my journey in this project. I've tried painting my observation of foil in both acrylic and oil, and I've discovered and learned many things. When I compare my oil painting and acrylic one, I like the acrylic one better. I approached both paintings differently and progressing in acrylic is a bit more challenging but I love the more expressive brush strokes and texture the acrylic gives. Whereas the oil one looks softer. 

My next work is going to be on a bigger canvas and I can't wait although I have not decided on the medium yet. Well see when the time comes.

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