Tuesday 24 June 2014

Project 15. Journey, experiment and trials part 4 (oil trial)

Had my second sitting on my oil painting base on real life observation of my aluminum foil set up today. Did some glazes of yellows and reds on my initial under painting of cool greys.

Such a pleasure to glaze over warm colors over cool greys. Thin almost transparent colors gives way for the under painting to project itself through that layer and compliment each other. Also added darker even cooler greys to bring out the colors and some warm white for contrast.

Light changes instantly without me knowing. The moment I look again, everything is different.

Keep on adding what I see at the moment. Areas that I feel is sufficient for today's sitting will be left alone for next time.

As this project is about change and fleeting moments, I feel excited and privileged to observe this things closely and try to portray that fleeting moments in a blink of an eye. Pure beauty of life.

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