Saturday 7 June 2014

Project 15. Journey, experiment and trials part 2

Finished my first study of reflection on aluminum foil that I observed from real life. Done with acrylic on canvas.

The one below was what it looked like previously.

As it is quite impossible to finish the painting in one sitting due to high details, the painting took me 4 sittings of about 1-2.5 hours each time before eyes crossed and go out of focused or probably my brain runs out of gas with trying to figure out which part is which.

I painted by sections, if you have seen previously how I started, every section I painted, document different lighting as I sometimes paint in the afternoon and sometimes evening to sundown and also changed my positions in the studio so the direction of light from the florescent also alters. So it differs every sessions and my crumpled aluminum foil doesn't stay the way it is every time i store it. So I juxtapose each sections by estimation but each section is true to my observation and impression at that point of time.

I finished the whole painting with highlights I observed at that point of time regardless that it might differ in lighting and reflection previously when I started. But that's what still-life painting is all about; adapting to changes, problem solving and documenting the changes in the painting itself.

Really enjoyed this... looking forward for the next one in oil. Cheers!

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