Thursday 5 June 2014

Guess what I've found while clearing my closet...

I'm so pleasantly surprised at what I've found while clearing my closet, which desperately needed to be cleaned, my sketches from 5 years ago which is in 2009! How awesome is that? And I found my first 2 watercolor paintings when I just started to learn it which I assume is from the same year because they were piled up and folder together, hence the middle crease on the paper.

The portrait sketches, if I can recall, were done during boredom sessions when I was working in a shoe shop. Yes! I worked in a shoe shop part-timed while teaching art in another studio P/T as well previously before full on art-teaching ARThaus.

My watercolor works are amateur and quite embarrassing but I was learning, so, no fault in that. Cheers!

 Guess who?
 Guess who too??

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