Thursday 5 June 2014

Project 15. Journey, experiment and trials part 1

Project 15 is a documentation of an my artistic journey towards an exhibition organized by ARThaus which is probably going to be held somewhere around Mar 2015.

My aim is to create a narrative work about my personal worldly and spiritual views, my aspirations and desirable objects. I will not share yet what how I visualize my work outcome would be... but I will share my thought and technical processes.

Non of these documentations is edited except for cropping. The lighting is mainly from natural lights through the studio's windows and florescent lighting in the ceiling.

This is done with acrylic on canvas. I painted this from real-life observations on light reflections on still-life crumpled aluminum foil on the right, which is not shown in this picture. My purpose of this is to study reflective surfaces and contours according to different lighting and reflected color of objects around it.

This was my first step on starting this journey. I only use primary colors and I achieved this colors only through mixing.

The best things I realize from this first steps of my project is the constant light changes through the windows. The foil becomes a perfect documentation of mood and lightings, constantly reflect change. So it makes my painting process ever changing according to the object's reflections.

As I got on with it, the next thing I painted is never consistent of what I've painted just a few minutes before. Challenging, but super fun as I got to exercise my observational skills as well as paint characteristics as I move along.

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