Tuesday 24 June 2014

Project 15. Journey, experiment and trials part 3 (oil trial)

After my acrylic attempts on painting aluminum foil from real life observations previously which took 3 sittings to be completed on a 14x18" canvas, I feel the need to attempt it once again in oil. 

This time in oil, definitely more relaxing due to easy blending qualities but the fear of starting is still there. I planned out what I should paint and how I could be more productive in one sitting as I know eventually I can't do anything but to let it dry a few days before second layer.

I decided on grissaile underpainting of cool grey and ignore all colors reflected. Which is quite difficult because I always have to fight the urge to paint the tempting colors. I will place objects around the foil to reflect colors that I want for the particular painting. Example below:

I put a big tube of red and position it anywhere around the foil to give a reflection that appealed to me at that point of time. It will definitely change every minute or even seconds due to light changes from the window.

*Please note that this photo of aluminum foil does not reflect what I see in real life. Just an example of how I set up my subjects.

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