Tuesday 29 December 2015

Custom-made in progress

Custom-made. Unfinished. Work in progress. For now its acrylic foundation. Need to add colour to faces. Oil will be added for touch-ups in certain areas. I was given individual photographs of these people separately and was requested to portray family support for those 2 people at the top. So I suggested putting other family members montage below, to symbolize support or pillar to their success. I do not know this family so I sketched out my ideas first on paper for approval. Now it's on a 30"x40" canvas with rough brushstrokes style. Deadline... in a jiffy.

This is another custom-made in progress. Am working simultaneously with the family portrait above. This one is on a 30"x24" canvas. Objective is to be light-hearten with symbolism related to that person portrayed. So I suggested a blown-up portrait with the symbolism reflected on the sunglasses.
Well I know that it doesn't make sense that the reflection is not mirror image, but it's the symbolism that counts and rules are meant to be broken.
The photo of this person was without sunglasses and in fact, her husband is beside her covering part of her face. So I had to find out what kind of sunglasses she wears and I was given a very pixelated picture of her in a distance wearing shades. I had a rough idea on how it looks and montage the sunglasses on her face and had the symbols "bend-it-like-beckham" to simulate reflection on an actual sunglasses.
This is a challenge definitely, but I enjoy the challenge. Deadline... almost now.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Commisioned piece. Deep red rose. Oil on canvas

A commissioned piece. Traditionally painted in the beginning, palette knife works at the ending. Oil on canvas, 30"x24". 2015

Monday 7 December 2015

And the building continues...

Another step to building the Contemplation series. I've come to realize that what I'm painting is like extreme origami, third removed...(refer to Plato). Thus I refer it to "building". The painting process feels like sculpting... almost... although I know nuts about sculpting... as in real life sculpting... like make a statue... you know...... aaargh now this gave me an idea... wait... what???

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Not done but getting there.

The base and under painting is done. Just need to add at least 3-4 layers of foreground. This is a mixed-media piece I'm trying out. Will update soon. Peace and cheers!

Thursday 22 October 2015

New addition to the Contemplation series.

Just started on this piece. Aiming for mixed-media for this one. Still in developing stage. Some new ideas I wanna try on this piece, end result unsure but I pretty much have a goal in mind on how it should look like. Will post again as this progress. Peace.

Just started a facebook page

Recently I decided to start a facebook page for Project Wonderwall. Its been a long time coming. Initially, my intention of setting up this blog was just to record and document my development and progress. Been quite secretive about what I was doing as most of the time; I was mostly experimenting, doing commission and so much of my mental energy spent on teaching, running and developing ideas for ARThaus that I didn't focus much on creating until quite recently this year. And I feels great and liberating to be able to share my art to more people especially to my beloved students whom most likely curious to know what I've been up to.

Well that is that.

This is an unfinished custom-made piece for someone. Deep-red rose 30"x24" oil. Will post again when I finish.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Contemplation... one panel complete.

Contemplation: Up
Oil and acrylic on canvas

Completed. Nuff said.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Contemplation series progress

 A development to one of the series. Still incomplete as I think I can do more with it. However, I am quite satisfied with the outcome.

A new one I started. This was impromptu... Felt hyped up and inspired, just needed to hold the brush in my hands and obliterate a brand new canvas. Am very please with this although it took a lot of contemplations whether I should do this or do that or what colours should I use. Turned the canvas around so many times just to feel right... yup. This is still in-progress but I feel I'm getting to where it resonates. This was done in 2 sittings.

Its so inspiring just to work... without directions... without destination. Just let my hands flow without fear of destroying the canvas... just be at one with the moment. When you're just working and be at one with working, all your knowledge from within just arises at the right moments. I love working!

Thursday 23 July 2015

Contemplation progress

These are the developments from my previous sketches. There are certain realizations I came upon, as my works are breaking away from observational study. I've decided to add some rough, blurry strokes as it adds some vivid reflections. So that the image is not too overwhelming visually. It adds highlights and "corner-of-the-eye" impression. So far I am please with my developments and this insight will will further evolve my art making.

Relaxing with figure drawing

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Refining the sketches

This is a build up from my previous sketch done in oil on top of acrylic. Was experimenting with colors and layers. To me, looks kinda gory and disturbing so I would kinda change something...

This one is loosely base on observation. Getting the base done in acrylic. I love the more freestyle approach that came to evolve in my development of creating my paintings. Less eye strain, more feel...

Monday 8 June 2015

New sketches for the "Contemplation series"

Out of a sudden, inspiration came breezing right through me in between teaching, the urge is so strong that I just had to scramble my canvases I've prepared and started painting the whole night. 

The approach to creating the series has definitely evolved. Instead of basing mostly on observation, now I tried to loosely observe the foil and paint freely according to what I think and feel should be observed and documented. The colour choices is mostly experimental. Added a bit more texture to the strokes.

These sketches will still be refined as I want to it to have a classical feel. I still can't let go of the classical masters and the captivation the conjured to the world. Peace.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Afghan Girl realism painting project final

Steve McCurry's Afghan Girl by Aisha Ramat
Acrylic on canvas

Finally completed the Afghan girl. The last time I posted regarding this painting was March 2014. Took a break a whole year before I decided to pick up my brush to finish this painting. I stopped mostly due to frustration blending with acrylic. It's bloody tedious to spend hours just to blend and layer with acrylic. And also, I was busy teaching and working on other pieces for the "Art for Arts' sake exhibition. So I ended up chucking this painting aside 75% complete.

Until recently, one of my students saw it and wanted to buy it. She thought it was completed. As I would never sell incomplete works, I told her I will complete it, varnish it for her and would be ready the next time she comes to class. So as of today, this painting belongs to her. Phew!

Thank you Ruby for appreciating this painting of Steve McCurry's Afghan girl and giving me the motivation to finally finish this. Hope you enjoy having it. Peace. 

Saturday 7 March 2015

Me, posing with my pieces at The Volvo Art Loft Singapore

Secretly, my cheek muscles were trembling so much as I was doing a lot of smiling beforehand. Hence the half smile.

To see more of my works, go to:

ART for Arts' sake, art exhibition at The Volvo Loft, Volvo showroom. Till 31 March 2015

 Some of the participating artists; myself (extreme left), Pathma (front), the behind Pathma from left to right: Shernaz Varia, Carolyn Law, Karen Charmoille, Glacy Goh, Yiat Teng, Gauri Gupta,Claude Chassat and Uwe Juergen Bauer. One of the artist who isn't in the picture May Yee.

ARThaus has organized for the first time an Art exhibition for some older students, many were with us since the first year we were opened and of course for us, the teachers, to share our art as well. Turnout was good mainly with family, friends and other students.

I feel very blessed and happy to see some our students able to showcase their art creations and sharing their passion in creating art with their family and friends. And of course for myself as well as my loved ones were there sharing my happiness as well.

If you are in Singapore, come and visit The Volvo loft, Volvo Showroom Singapore S159935. Exhibition end 31st March 2015.

Monday 2 March 2015

Finally finished my 3 panels.

Contemplation 1, 2 & 3
Oil on canvas
36"x 24" (each panel)

Saturday 17 January 2015

Contemplation: Experimentation Oil and acrylic on canvas 36"x24" 2014

This is the finished form of my experimental work. You can scroll down this blog to see the developing stage. Thank you for browsing.

To see more of my works, go to: flickr.com/artkugallery

Contemplation: Rose 2014 Oil on canvas 36"x36"

Contemplation: Rose
Oil on canvas
by: Aisha Ramat

To see more of my works, go to: flickr.com/artkugallery