Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Afghan Girl realism painting project final

Steve McCurry's Afghan Girl by Aisha Ramat
Acrylic on canvas

Finally completed the Afghan girl. The last time I posted regarding this painting was March 2014. Took a break a whole year before I decided to pick up my brush to finish this painting. I stopped mostly due to frustration blending with acrylic. It's bloody tedious to spend hours just to blend and layer with acrylic. And also, I was busy teaching and working on other pieces for the "Art for Arts' sake exhibition. So I ended up chucking this painting aside 75% complete.

Until recently, one of my students saw it and wanted to buy it. She thought it was completed. As I would never sell incomplete works, I told her I will complete it, varnish it for her and would be ready the next time she comes to class. So as of today, this painting belongs to her. Phew!

Thank you Ruby for appreciating this painting of Steve McCurry's Afghan girl and giving me the motivation to finally finish this. Hope you enjoy having it. Peace. 

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