Saturday 7 March 2015

ART for Arts' sake, art exhibition at The Volvo Loft, Volvo showroom. Till 31 March 2015

 Some of the participating artists; myself (extreme left), Pathma (front), the behind Pathma from left to right: Shernaz Varia, Carolyn Law, Karen Charmoille, Glacy Goh, Yiat Teng, Gauri Gupta,Claude Chassat and Uwe Juergen Bauer. One of the artist who isn't in the picture May Yee.

ARThaus has organized for the first time an Art exhibition for some older students, many were with us since the first year we were opened and of course for us, the teachers, to share our art as well. Turnout was good mainly with family, friends and other students.

I feel very blessed and happy to see some our students able to showcase their art creations and sharing their passion in creating art with their family and friends. And of course for myself as well as my loved ones were there sharing my happiness as well.

If you are in Singapore, come and visit The Volvo loft, Volvo Showroom Singapore S159935. Exhibition end 31st March 2015.

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