Tuesday 19 July 2016

Oil on canvas. 24" x 18". "Gibson steps". 2016

Actually I completed this painting about the same time as "12 apostles lookout". Was very preachy in that post so I feel like I should write something more mellow today. *smiley face*

Well, I took my time posting updates to space things out instead of jamming everything like a can of sardines. And I learned today that, when I do things because I "think" I should instead of, I "feel" I should, I tend to rush to get things posted. Well, I am very grateful that I am able to receive new knowledge everyday and am ALIVE to do it.

I was feeling a bit down and out of alignment the past few days and I am so thankful that my "itchy fingers" googled about the best success coach. Found an audio by a blogger who interviewed Susan James, a coach for 'Self-mastery', which I listened to in the cab on the way to work and continued listening after my first class. It is about 60+ minutes. And boy, it was worth that hour. 

Feeling so energetic spiritually and physically listening to that and as a result, had an awesome day (and night since as my last class ended at 9 pm) teaching at the studio. Even made a doodle with he left over paint which I will surely post soon. *grinning*

Well I know that this post does not have to do with "Gibson steps", but this is what I feel to type.

View portfolio of my works from year 2002 till 2016 at

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