Tuesday 16 August 2016

Just an update about myself. Peace.

It's been awhile since I've wrote a blog so I feel that I should do it now. As this blog is about my art development, personal happenings is relevant as well, as experiences feed my art developing.

I finally started Instagram #projectwonderwall about a few days ago. At this moment while I am writing this, I only have 4 pictures. It's lame, but I wanna take take things one step at a time. And I am writing this without any plan or draft so I'm just gonna pour out whatever I can remember of the "chaos" that had happened.

Chaos, I mean, is not from a negative feel but more of neutral point. We are living a dual reality, where bad is as valid as good. Because without feeling bad, you wouldn't know what good feels like. There is no day without night. There is no happiness without sadness. It is what it is. Such is reality.

Chaos to me is like all the events and happenings, tussle and tumble of living. I am thankful everyday to experience all the ups and downs and learn to not regret the things I should have done. At this moment, it is what as it supposed to be. Life is such is.

Ever since I learned the full meaning of acceptance of what is, the moment that I realize my being and aliveness, the moment I learned how to quiet my mind from all the shenanigans that Life throws on you, and be aware of the energy that lives in you and in everything else, that is the moment when I feel inspired to take certain actions.And when I take action at that state, there is no regrets or worries. Because I feel that, that is what I should do, from the bottom of my heart. If that makes sense.

I am aware now that I am a late bloomer some sorts. I hated technology and change. I identify myself as being a quiet introvert which I still am, but I learned to accept myself unconditionally the way I am at this moment. Then because of that realization and acceptance, I am able to interact with people more efficiently. The way I feel, from the bottom of my heart, interacting with everyone in efficiency and honesty instead of trying to please others. I am able to overcome my fears of dealing and communicating with people. I accept that, in order to expose my art more, is to be updated on new technologies how to use them.

My decision to finally have Instagram comes from the heart. No more pretending and making excuses about " I will embarrass myself" thoughts. It is exactly the right time that I take action to share what I love to do, to the world. And as an artist, this is what I should be doing in the first place if ever I had overcome my self-limiting thoughts.

I have been hiding in fear for so long, but right now at this moment, I am not.


Thank you for the teachers I hold in high esteem, my Dad, first and foremost, for all his support in my passion. Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth (book) I borrowed from my ex boss when I felt like drowning and asked for help. Ex-boss lent me this book which enlightened me. And Susan James. which I discovered recently about 4 weeks ago listening to an interview, reminded me, as well as, enhanced my knowledge about awareness and consciousness,

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