Tuesday 30 August 2016

Work in progress. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 40" x 30". Titled: Anticipation

This work is actually finished by now that I am typing this. I am so busy with teaching and doing custom-make artworks that I had to squeeze every bit of time left for my own art.

This was done at the spur of the moment. Was home and had some free time, just decided to do something with my canvas that had previously prepared for subjects. And the brush and palette knife just glides over like a symphony. This is one of my favourite moments. The subject just came pouring out, unstoppable. Was sweating with anticipation of what is gonna come. Thus, the title.

Painted over a black acrylic base with colored lines in relief, poured by using a squeeze bottle with colored acrylic mixed with medium. Clear gesso was applied over the base and the oil paint glazed the surface after. Will post the finished work soon. Peace!

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