Tuesday 31 May 2016

Back to work! Sketches for support of my upcoming works.

Went to Melbourne and The Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia for a holiday with the family. Really had a mind-blowing, wonderful time. The scenic view along the Great Ocean road was so awestruckingly magnificent, that I almost feel my heart gonna explode with indigestion of too much beauty.

I love the sea. Looking at seascapes, the harmony of 3 main elements (sky, sea and land) altogether at once, is eternally inspiring for me. I grew up where the nearest beach is only 30 min away, the place of my most memorable childhood.

So these sketches above are somewhat a reminiscence of my experience being in Australia and how I felt during that time. Tried sketching outdoors but it was too windy to hold up any paper, and it rained for 2 whole days. So base on my memories and lingering feelings of that place, I picked up a charcoal pencil and just had to document the study of elements as soon as I got back.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Contemplation: Greynote Acrylic on canvas by Aisha Ramat

This one I added a mid tone. Hence the name, " Greynote". It is 20"x16", acrylic on canvas.

This one has a softer look to it as I reduced the texture in the black background. Has more flowy strokes compare to Blacknote II, where shorter and abrupt strokes were applied.

All the contemplation black and white series are similar in style but individually unique as each piece cannot be replicated.

Contemplation II ( 3 panel series) Oil on canvas by Aisha Ramat

I never gotten the chance to take a high quality photo except for the once I took at the Art Loft where it was displayed. The lighting there was a bit dim. So this time I managed to get some lighting to take a proper picture. Peace!

Sunday 15 May 2016

Contemplation: Blacknote II, Acrylic on canvas, 20"x 16" 2016 by Aisha Ramat

Yeah, so the piece I'v mentioned in the previous post about why I couldn't take a photo of at night, is here. Took it in the studio will natural lights from the window and florescent lights from the ceiling. Steadying my hands on the stool, on the table, to get a quality shot.

It's challenging to take a quality shot with this work as there are subtle textures that I want to capture.

So here it is. Contemplation: Blacknote II, acrylic on canvas, 20"x 16" 2016.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Working on the 2nd piece of Contemplation: Blacknote

Currently working a 2nd piece, a move on from Contemplation: Blacknote. So this one is the 2nd piece. This photos were taken when I was developing and fine tuning. But actually, I've already completed Backnote 2 but it's night time now. And working my camera at this lighting is a "dim" witted idea.

Working on another piece of the same series now currently. Waiting for the initial layer to dry. Wish I could work on it more tonight but I guess.... definitely not.

Gonna strum more tones to it... So it's a matter or waiting and .... seeing. Zzzz


Tuesday 10 May 2016

4 new mixed media pieces. As the previous 4 pieces of similar works got sold at the exhibition opening last Thursday at Volvo Art Loft, I decided to make more of these.

These pieces are very enjoyable to make as they combine certain of my favourite elements. Play and draw. I love the unpredictability of experimenting and balance it out with a little control of the charcoal pencil.

Acrylic is used instead of watercolour simply because I prefer the permanence of it. I use Cryla artist acrylic and Winsor & Newton professional acrylic, on Saunders 300gm watercolour paper. The paper is yellowish compare to the white canvas it is mounted on, and I leave the rough paper edges of the paper without trimming. The charcoal pencil was a gift from my student from Switzerland and its amazing to use.

Monday 9 May 2016

New mix media works.

These 4 pieces of 12" x 16" each, was all sold during the opening of my art exhibition "Lukisan Gua" on 5th May at Volvo Art Loft. These are done with acrylic, charcoal, watercolor paper mounted on canvas. I didn't want to frame it like a normal watercolor, so I decided for it to be on canvas. Ready to hang and display, no framing needed. I'm making more of this due to requests.

The painting "Contemplation: Black note was also sold, along with my impression of mountain.
I'm going to make another blacknote but slightly bigger since I enjoyed making it so much. Peace.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

New addition to the contemplation series.

These are some of the last pieces I did, preparing for the show. And hands-down, the most enjoyable. It's when I've come to a point of higher understanding of my concept together with the application of medium. These are done with acrylic on canvas.

The subtle texture and smoothness that I pleasantly discovered by applying acrylic and medium with no brush at all. The process somewhat feels like a Chinese painting.

The one at the top ( Contemplation: Black note) is my favourite. But I am too busy to make a bigger piece so I'm just showing the small experimental piece. But I'm definitely gonna make a bigger piece when I'm back from Melbourne end of this month. Peace!

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Some of the new works displaying for "Lukisan gua" art exhibition, Volvo ArtLoft Singapore

All this paintings are size 18"x24" Acrylic on canvas. The first 2 are the continuation of the Samudera series I've started about 3 years back. I love the sea, did a couple of abstract rendition of the sea before. 

The 3rd piece is called "Precipitation", a rendition of misty landscape on a rainy day. All this 3 are done basically with the same colour palatte and similar glazing and pouring techniques. 

Coming really soon."Lukisan gua" An art exhibtion by myself and my partner at ARThaus. 5th May Volvo ArtLoft. Singapore.

I have 26 pieces of works to show with a mix of some old ones. But when setting up, there isn't enough space to show all. So I'm displaying 23 works instead. The show is the day after tomorrow. I'm more nervous about getting the food though. Lot's of planning and preparation to do. But luckily since a few days ago, I've completed all the new paintings.