Tuesday 10 May 2016

4 new mixed media pieces. As the previous 4 pieces of similar works got sold at the exhibition opening last Thursday at Volvo Art Loft, I decided to make more of these.

These pieces are very enjoyable to make as they combine certain of my favourite elements. Play and draw. I love the unpredictability of experimenting and balance it out with a little control of the charcoal pencil.

Acrylic is used instead of watercolour simply because I prefer the permanence of it. I use Cryla artist acrylic and Winsor & Newton professional acrylic, on Saunders 300gm watercolour paper. The paper is yellowish compare to the white canvas it is mounted on, and I leave the rough paper edges of the paper without trimming. The charcoal pencil was a gift from my student from Switzerland and its amazing to use.

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