Sunday 26 June 2016

4 layers of contrast. Acrylic on canvas. 18" x 16". 2016

4 layers of contrast is an experimental piece. Where I layered painterly subject with glossy, off-white texture. Then screened black, with insufficient paint. Then layer again with controlled lines. Thus, the title, 4 layers of contrast. Different approach to every layer yet, harmonize as One.

At the moment, I am having problems uploading images to flickr. Never had this problem before. But I always remind myself, " Accept the moment as if I choose them". But since I wrote this blog at the moment, I do not have such problems uploading in blogspot, which is GREAT! *savouring the positive at this moment*
There's a little upward curve at the side on my mouth... I think. Or if not, I'm trying.

I also realized that I am only mostly free on Sunday nights to update blogs and flickr. Peace.

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