Sunday 26 June 2016

Follow the lines. Acrylic on canvas. 16" x 18". 2016

This piece conjures a memory more than 2 decades ago where teachers were authoritative. I was 7, given a handwriting exercise as homework. I wanted to finish it fast so that I could go out and play with my friends. I hate following the dotted lines in which, I had to trace to create a "proper" cursive letter in the alphabet. Last resort, I scribbled. Next morning, I got my ear pulled and a smack on back by my teacher for doing that.

My handwriting is still horrible. But I can paint a perfect typo. For real.

Side notes: This piece also hints at absolute obedience, programmed by government to keep us under control in the 90s and early year 2000 Singapore. Though its is a little different now as everything is prone to change. But I am sure it still persist now. When I was in secondary school, express stream, girls had to take "home economics' subjects while boys, 'design and technical'. And this was mandatory. I am aware there were some streams that gives a lee way for transfer, my not in my school if you were in express stream. Sexism much?

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